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Sustainable Building Materials Blog

construction worker inside hemp insulated home

Featured Product - HempWool Insulation

Hempitecture HempWool Batt Insulation - Available Now!
Traditional batt style insulation is extremely well known in the building and renovation industries as being an essential insulating material for stick-framed homes in the United States.
There are several styles of batt insulation in the market today, as well as several other foam based insulations, that have been commonly used over the past 50 years; ones that have done their job as an insulator at the expense of actually being a "green" product.  Hempitecture's HempWool hemp insulation is different, and is here to provide the eco-friendly insulation that many homeowners could and should be using moving forward.
HempWool insulation is a bio-based, hemp fiber batt insulation product, that is designed and tested to replace other insulation styles on the market.  It's literally made from hemp plants - which are a great renewable resource.  Its claim to fame is that it's significantly more sustainable, is healthier, and pollutes less, all while still being a high-performing product like the traditional alternatives.
When considering building materials for a home project, it is becoming increasingly common and demanded that homes are built thoughtfully, with efficient, healthy materials, and with sustainability in mind.  For decades, homes were in some ways considered mass-produced commodity items; built as inexpensively as possible, without regard to the impact they had on the occupants/owners, or the environmental impacts.  Building or renovating a modern home, most architects and builders are starting to take a different, more educated approach when choosing building materials.
Go Green Home Supply is an official sales partner and affiliate of Hempitecture.  We are proud to offer HempWool batt insulation products to you through our website, or through the manufacturer's online store below:
Closeup view, stack of fibrous hemp batt insulation
Questions to take into consideration when choosing more sustainable building materials are things like:
  • Where was the item was produced, and were workers treated equitably/safely?
  • How far away does the product need to travel to get to the final location?
  • What is the embodied carbon for this product and how does it compare to others?
  • Is it made from healthy materials, or does it have toxic components?
  • Are the raw or finished materials safe for transport, manufacturing, or upon future disposal; i.e. does it pose a environmental or health risk to a specific area, or does the product ultimately compost or biodegrade safely?
  • Is it renewable, and/or easily recyclable?
  • Does it contribute to solving problems associated with both immediate and long-term climate change?
  • Is it durable, long-lasting, and resilient to ensure a long-lasting home?

Now, let's discuss some of the details and features that set HempWool apart from other forms of insulation:

  1. Made in the USA.  All of Hempitecture's products are made from industrial hemp grown in North America and manufactured in Idaho.  It's produced by farmers who can use industrial hemp as a fast growing, soil regenerative crop.
  2. In North America, HempWool insulation will travel to you directly, and doesn't require overseas ship/plane transport, helping keep it's embodied carbon as low as possible.
  3. Hemp does not require large amounts of pesticides or fertilizer to grow quickly and with high yields.  This keeps the farmers, the surrounding land, and water systems cleaner and healthier.
  4. Using 90% hemp, means HempWool is as natural as it gets.  It is non-toxic, is Red List material and VOC free.  (The remaining 10% is a polymer binder and bio-based fire retardant). 
  5. Embodied carbon of HempWool vs. things like fiberglass, rock-fiber, or foam insulations is significantly lower.  This is important because curbing global emissions must start at the onset of the project.  Unlike other types of insulation (which are all efficient and provide low operational carbon emissions), HempWool is carbon sequestering from the start and is a great solution from both it's initially embodied carbon as well as its operational carbon emissions.
  6. Hemp is a super tough, fibrous plant that is known for its durability.  It's so dense and durable.  Rodents and pests don't like it and can't nest/burrow in it.  It's also naturally moisture resistant and vapor open.  So, if it gets wet, it will dry and resist mold/rot.  These attributes all combine to make hemp insulation batts hugely reliable for the long term.
  7. It's safe to touch and doesn't require specialized tools or hazardous material considerations when handling and installing.

In summary, the benefits of HempWool natural insulation are extensive.  Other insulation types can't say the same things about being truly sustainable.  While all insulators ultimately make a home more efficient and provide sufficient r-value - only HempWool provides the level of performance and sustainability people should be using in a modern home and it's the only one that can have a tremendous impact on the health of the planet and your home.  Let's stop using high-carbon cost foam, plastic, rock, or chemical based insulation products - and turn to HempWool as the perfect eco-friendly insulation your home needs.

March 18, 2024
New Website Update - Initial Product Offering

New Website Update - Initial Product Offering

Go Green Home Supply's new website is now live!!

We are proud to "soft-launch" our new e-commerce storefront with key partner suppliers and their products.

October 30, 2023